10º Seminário de Engenharia de Fundações Especiais e Geotecnia – SEFE 10 e 4ª Feira da Indústria de Fundações e Geotecnia

Dados do Trabalho


The Reliability of the Dynamic Load Test to Detect Pile Damage


Dynamic Load Test, Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA), Data Quality, Pile Damage

Resumo (no máximo 200 palavras)

The Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) obtains the force and velocity induced in a pile
during an axial impact event. In the dynamic test, if the velocity increases sharply relative to the
force at any point earlier than the 2L/c time, it indicates damage has weakened the pile (Goble et
al., 1977). A broken pile may not support a low-energy blow applied to the pile top (Murakami
et at, 2020), which indicates that the pile may have been damaged along the pile shaft.
Moreover, good dynamic collected data is fundamental for a reliable diagnosis of the piles,
particularly for detecting pile damage (Murakami et al., 2022a, 2022b). This paper aims to
demonstrate the reliability of the dynamic test to detect damage on piles. In two case studies
where precast concrete piles were driven, known damages between the sensors and the ground
level were observed during the dynamic load test. It was expected that the PDA would indicate
damages on the known region of the pile, and the CAPWAP analysis confirmed these damages
on the piles. These two case studies show the dynamic test's reliability in detecting damage on

Palavras Chave

Data Quality; Dynamic Load Test; Pile Damage; Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA)



Ensaios de Carregamento Dinâmico, Teste Bidirecional: instrumentação e controle


Daniel Kina Murakami, Jean Felix Cabette