XXIX Encontro Associação Brasileira de Psicologia e Medicina Comportamental 2020




Professor Peter Sturmey is Professor of Psychology at The Graduate Center and the Department of Psychology, Queens College, City University of New York. His research interests include behavior analysis and clinical psychology, especially behavioral case formulation; autism and other developmental disabilities, especially in the areas of applied behavior analysis; dual diagnosis; evidence-based practice; staff and parent training; and aggression and violence.

He gained his PhD at the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom and subsequently taught at the University of the South West (Plymouth) and University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. He then worked for the Texas Department of Mental Retardation from 1990-2000 as Chief Psychologist, first at Abilene then at San Antonio State School during a federal class action lawsuit. There he supervised behavioral services and master's level psychologists providing behavior support plans for severe behavioral and psychiatric disorders in adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities and implemented large-scale active treatment and restraint reduction programs.


